Operating out of Westmead Private Hospital, our Westmead Physios are on hand to assist you with whatever services you require. Get in contact with our office now on 9633 1035 or find out more about our specialist team, below.
Sean Mungovan
B.App.Sc.(Physiotherapy) MPhil, Principal Physiotherapist, Assist. Prof. Bond University
- Orthopaedic
- Neurosurgical and sports physiotherapy
- Men’s health
- Clinical research
- Exercise physiology
- Inpatient and outpatient physiotherapy services
John Breckenridge
B.Sc., Grad. Dip. Physiotherapy, M.Hlth.Sc. (Sports Physiotherapy), Principal Physiotherapist, APA Sports Physiotherapist, Hand Therapist CHT MAHTA
- Clinical research of the shoulder, elbow and hand
- Orthopaedic and sports physiotherapy
- Golf injuries
Lauren Nicola
B.Hlth.Sc., M.Phty, Physiotherapist
- Cardiothoracic clinical research
- Critical care physiotherapy
- Management of scoliosis reconstructive surgery
- Cardiac and respiratory physiotherapy
- Clinical Education
Moira McLeman
B.App.Sc. (Phty), Physiotherapist
- Acute postoperative care
- Intensive care physiotherapy
Min Gymn
B.Hlth.Sc. (TCM), M.Phty, Physiotherapist
- Acute neurological physiotherapy
- Acute cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
- Acute orthopaedic physiotherapy
- Paediatrics – hip dysplasia, talipes
- Pilates
- Acupuncture
Tenielle Tritsaris
- Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
- Management of scoliosis reconstructive surgery
- Post-natal / maternity management
- Orthopaedic paediatrics including Pavlik harness and hip dysplasia, casting
- Paediatric gross motor developmental delay assessments and treatments
Corrina Moore
B.Hlth.Sc. M.Phty
- Acute cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
- Acute neurological physiotherapy
- Management of scoliosis reconstructive surgery
- Intensive care physiotherapy
Naomi Duong
BMedSc, MNutrDiet (Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Weight management
- Diabetes Management (Gestational, Type I and Type II)
- Geriatric Nutrition
- Paediatric Nutrition
- Food intolerances
- Nutritional management of gastroenterology patients
Mica Pasaporte
BSpPath, MSPA, CPSP, Speech Pathologist
- Adult rehabilitation
- Dysphagia management
- Motor Speech Disorders
- Voice Disorders
- Neurologically acquired disorders (e.g. aphasia)
- Neurodegenerative conditions (e.g. MND, Parkinson’s Disease)