Fair Go For the West: Type-2 diabetes hot spots in areas with less parks and more fast food outlets

Our Dietitian, Samantha Rand, was interviewed by The Daily Telegraph regarding recent research that has demonstrated that there are Type-2 diabetes hotspots in areas in Western Sydney where there are fewer parks and more fast food outlets. Samantha went on to explain the relationship between food and chronic disease as well as the importance of developing culturally appropriate quick food options to those in these locations.

It is great to see researchers are highlighting the inequalities between the east and west, bringing it to the forefront and hopefully getting the ball rolling with creating environments conducive to a healthy lifestyle.

Read the full article at: http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/fairgowest/fair-go-for-the-west-type-2-diabetes-hot-spots-in-areas-with-less-parks-and-more-fast-food-outlets/story-fnrhmaut-1227258830882

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