Operating out of the Westmead Specialist Centre, conveniently located next to Westmead Private Hospital and with easy parking, our Westmead Physios are on hand to assist you with whatever services you require. Get in contact with our office now on 9633 1035 or find out more about our specialist team, below.
Sean Mungovan
B.App.Sc.(Physiotherapy) MPhil, Principal Physiotherapist, Assist. Prof. Bond University
- Orthopaedic
- Neurosurgical and sports physiotherapy
- Men’s health
- Clinical research
- Exercise physiology
- Inpatient and outpatient physiotherapy services
John Breckenridge
B.Sc., Grad. Dip. Physiotherapy, M.Hlth.Sc. (Sports Physiotherapy), Principal Physiotherapist, APA Sports Physiotherapist, Hand Therapist CHT MAHTA
- Clinical research of the shoulder, elbow and hand
- Orthopaedic and sports physiotherapy
- Golf injuries
Ben Swift
B.ExPhys (Exercise Physiology), M.Pthy (Physiotherapy)
- Sports injuries
- Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
- Orthopaedics
- ACL rehabilitation
Samantha Khanna
- Women’s health physiotherapy
- Management of female pelvic floor dysfunction and incontinence
- Pregnancy related musculoskeletal disorders
- Acute post-operative physiotherapy
- Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
- Pilates
Cameron New
Physiotherapy (B. Phty)
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Pre and post-operative Men’s Health services
- Continence management
- Intensive care physiotherapy
- Post-operative orthopaedic management
Corrina Moore
B.Hlth.Sc. M.Phty
- Acute cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
- Acute neurological physiotherapy
- Management of scoliosis reconstructive surgery
- Intensive care physiotherapy
Jordan Glover
B HlthSc(Sp&ExSc)
- Musculoskeletal physiotherapy
- Sports injury management
- Running injuries
Gail Harris
B.H.Sc (Human Movement), DPT (Dr of Phty)
- Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
- ACLR Rehabilitation
- Sports Injury Management
- Knee Pathologies
- Strength and Conditioning
Carolyn Whitson
B. Phty, Hand & Aquatic Therapy
- Orthopaedics
- Sports Physiotherapy
- Hand Therapy
- Aquatic Physiotherapy
Shraddha Khanwalkar
B. Physiotherapy
- Women’s health physiotherapy
- Management of female pelvic floor dysfunction
- Management of Incontinence, Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Pelvic Pain
- Pregnancy related musculoskeletal disorders
- Pilates and core stability
Nayomi Duong
BMedSc, MNutrDiet (Nutrition and Dietetics)
- Weight management
- Diabetes Management (Gestational, Type I and Type II)
- Geriatric Nutrition
- Paediatric Nutrition
- Food intolerances
- Nutritional management of gastroenterology patients
Morgan Stepniewski
B.Sc (Nutrition & Food), MNutrDiet (Nutrition & Dietetics)
- Paediatric nutrition
- Diabetes management
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome & other gastrointestinal disorders
- Coeliac disease
- Women’s health