5 Movements at the Office

Returning to the Office and Simple Exercises

As the imminent return to the office approaches, the flexibility of working from home seems ever so precious. No longer will you have the luxury of going for a walk and green screen an office background on zoom, instead you’ll have to actually sit in an office with real people around you. No longer will you be able to stand up and stretch whenever you will feel stiff, well… you can still do that, but you might find a couple of odd gazes headed your way.

Fear not! Here are 5 movements you can perform at the office to keep your body feeling good without your colleagues wondering if you are following a TikTok trend.

  1. Pec stretch

  • This stretch is so easy you can work it in anytime you want to chat to a co-worker. All you need to do is find a doorway or a corner.
    • Place one arm on the wall and lean your body forward.
    • Try and hold this for around 30 seconds and then switch arms.

  1. Seated piriformis stretch

  • Sitting legs crossed may not look the most professional, but occasionally performing this stretch might just give you the release you are looking for.
    • At your work desk, bring one ankle onto the other knee.
    • Keeping your back straight, lean forwards by hinging at the hips.
    • Try and hold this for around 30 seconds and then switch legs.

  1. Shoulder shrugs

  • Shrugging our shoulders isn’t something we are unfamiliar with, especially when we are asked about a topic we don’t know.
    • Try and work in some shoulder shrugs after a sustained period of computer work.
    • Performing 10 slow shrugs can help alleviate some of the tension held in the upper trapezius.

  1. Thoracic rotations

  • Holding sustained positions can lead to stiffness and our backs, especially the mid-back is designed to be mobile. This movement is a great way to add some motion to your back as you sit at the desk.
    • Hinge forward at the hips until your elbows are between your knees.
    • Turn to one side as if you are drawing a bow.
    • Repeat on the other side for a total of 10 times.

  1. Thoracic extensions

  • Again, we want to prevent stiffness from developing. By performing this stretch, we can alleviate some of the negative effects of sustained posture.
    • Place elbows comfortably on desk.
    • Move seat back to a comfortable distance.
    • Sink chest down and hold for 30 seconds.

When done consistently, these exercises can help reduce the risk of injuries occurring from working in the office. However, no movement or exercise can completely bulletproof your body. If you find yourself having any soreness or pain that lasts longer than you want it to, please do not hesitate to contact us at any of our clinics for a formal assessment and tailored treatment!