Tag: John Breckenridge

Paper Published in Musculoskeletal Science and Practice Journal

Congratulations to John Breckenridge (our Principal Physiotherapist) on his recent publication in Musculoskeletal Science and Practice Journal.  JB’s article looks at “The development of a shoulder specific left/right judgement task: Validity & reliability”.  To read the article head to https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1UTuR8nLVhV3xS

PhD Research Presentation – Does Upper Limb Pain Affect Performance of the LRJT

Partner John Breckenridge travelled to Buenos Aires Argentina to present part of his PhD research entitled “Does upper limb pain affect performance of the LRJT” at the 10th Congress of the International Frderation of Societies of Hand Therapy. The congress is held every three years in conjunction with the hand surgeons and is considered the Olympics of Hand therapy and surgery. Well done JB!



International Congress of Shoulder & Elbow Therapists – Korea

John Breckenridge, Principal Physiotherapist recently had a poster presentation at the International Congress of Shoulder & Elbow Therapists in Jeju, Korea.  There was great interest his study on The Shoulder Left/Right Judgement Task: Shoulder Pain & Motor Imagery Performance.  Well done JB, the Practice is very proud of the research work we undertake to improve the clinical services that we provide to our patients.