Category: Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy News and Information – Articles related to our Physios, their practices, our clinic locations, and new developments in the science of Physiotherapy.

Our clinical research team join other physiotherapists and professionals around the world regularly for conferences and symposiums, along with our own in-house research, keeping Sydney West Physio at the front and centre of physio news and scientific advancement.

Swift Start

March 1st marked the start of the ANZ Netball Championship season for the NSW Swifts. Our practice is proud to support the NSW Swifts with three of our clinicians supporting the team –  Paula Peralta and Daniel Vukovic; the team physiotherapists as well as Samantha Rand the team’s sports dietitian.

Fad Free!

What diet are you following? Often the glitz, glamour and marketing of fad diets are what lures in people who are after a quick fix when it comes to weight loss. But the reason that these plans do not work is that they are unsustainable and too restrictive; often eliminating entire food groups and increasing potential risk of deficiencies and malnutrition.