Hydrotherapy & Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease characterized by limitation of movement, joint pain and tenderness. It is often also associated with muscle weakness. It is a common disease that affects approximately 30% of the population between 50 and 70 years of age, and this percentage increases in older age groups. Risk factors for osteoarthritis include obesity, physical inactivity, and muscle weakness.

How to prevent and manage pelvic organ prolapse following childbirth

Approximately 50% of Australian women who have had children will develop some degree of pelvic organ prolapse in their lifetime. Pelvic Organ Prolapse is when the organs of the pelvis such as the bladder, uterus and/or bowel descend into the walls of the vagina. This occurs when the connective tissue that surrounds and supports the pelvic organs become stretched and potentially torn.