Author: Sydney West Physio

So you’ve been told you have abdominal muscle separation, now what?

What is Abdominal muscle separation?

Abdominal muscle separation is a common term used to describe rectus abdominis diastasis (RAD). RAD is a common condition that occurs during pregnancy. The right and left rectus abdominis muscles, also known as the ‘6 pack muscles,’ are connected by a fascial tissue called the linea alba. The linea alba softens and stretches during pregnancy to allow for growth of the baby. The stretching of the linea alba is what constitutes RAD. Health professionals will measure the distance between your right and left rectus abdominis muscles to assess the amount of the separation.

5 Tips to help you set up your Workstation Ergonomically

Ergonomics is a buzz word used frequently in the covid-19 era, but what does it mean? Ergonomics is creating and arranging workplaces and systems so that they best fit you. In 2013, Safe Work Australia estimated workplace injury and illness to be an economic cost of 60 billion dollars annually (Safe Work Australia, 2013). It has been a long year of working from home.

You are stiff and in pain and your makeshift work station needs a change because the work must be done.

Men’s Health – Overactive Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles at the bottom of your core. They are responsible for supporting the bladder and bowel systems and play a vital role in maintaining continence. Commonly, pelvic floor management is focussed on improving strength and coordination in these muscles to address issues of stress and urgency incontinence.