The Clinical Research Institute pairs with Newington Gunners Soccer Club to help get team of asylum seekers on the playing field

newington gunners, physiotherapy, soccer, football, newington, westmead, clinical research

Andrew Hirschhorn from Westmead Private Physiotherapy Services and The Clinical Research Institute is a weekend warrior for the Newington Gunners Soccer Club’s Over 35s team. So when he read in the Sydney Morning Herald about a team of asylum seekers looking for a club, he spoke to the club committee about the possibility of signing them up. One month later, with the help of Support Services International and many generous sponsors and donors across Sydney, the Newington Gunners SSI team played their first official trial match on Saturday 7th of March. Up against a high quality team from Inter Lions FC (Concord), Newington Gunners SSI showed speed, technical skill and tenacity to put in four spectacular goals. A great effort, proving they’ll be a force to be reckoned with in their debut season in the Granville District competition. The Clinical Research Institute is proud to be a jersey-sponsor for Newington Gunners SSI, and will keenly follow their progress over the winter.

Introducing our new graduate physiotherapists

physiotherapy; westmead; blacktown; norwest; physiotherapist; mathew ah chow; lauren nicola; evan jeanguyot

Mathew, Evan and Lauren at Westmead Private Physiotherapy Services

Sydney West Physio are excited to introduce the newest members of our clinical team, associate physiotherapists Lauren Nicola (Westmead Private Physiotherapy Services), Evan Jeanguyot (Westmead Private Physiotherapy Services, Norwest Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy) and Mathew Ah Chow (Westmead Private Physiotherapy Services, Central West Orthopaedic and Sports Physiotherapy). Lauren, Evan and Mathew completed postgraduate degrees in Physiotherapy at the University of Sydney, Sydney and Melbourne respectively, and will bring a wealth of new knowledge and enthusiasm to our team. All have a keen interest in the physiotherapy care of patients in the hospital setting, as well as in sports physiotherapy. Welcome to the team, and we look forward to working alongside you to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Western Sydney.

‘Big Mac’ helps out at McHappy Day

Nathanial serving it up at McHappy Day, Penrith

Known affectionately by his colleagues as ‘Big Mac’, Nathanial (the tall one) from our team at Sports Physiotherapy & Work Rehabilitation, Penrith donned the apron to help out at McHappy Day on November 9th at McDonalds Penrith Panthers. Before joining our team of physiotherapists, Nathanial had worked as a Shift Manager there for more than 5 years.

Article published in Australian Physiotherapy Association’s InMotion Magazine

Our senior associate at Westmead Private Physiotherapy Services, Andrew Hirschhorn, had this article published in the November edition of the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s InMotion magazine. The article reports on some of the research presented at the recent Prostate Cancer World Congress in Melbourne, as well as Andrew’s own research that looked at improving continence after radical prostatectomy by ‘breaking down the barriers’ to mens’ access of pelvic floor muscle training.

Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference

Mid-October saw a number of our team attend and present at the biennial Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.  About 2,000 physiotherapists from as far afield as Europe and Africa came together at the conference to hear and discuss the latest in physiotherapy research.