Swift Start

March 1st marked the start of the ANZ Netball Championship season for the NSW Swifts. Our practice is proud to support the NSW Swifts with three of our clinicians supporting the team –  Paula Peralta and Daniel Vukovic; the team physiotherapists as well as Samantha Rand the team’s sports dietitian.

Fad Free!

What diet are you following? Often the glitz, glamour and marketing of fad diets are what lures in people who are after a quick fix when it comes to weight loss. But the reason that these plans do not work is that they are unsustainable and too restrictive; often eliminating entire food groups and increasing potential risk of deficiencies and malnutrition.

Celebrating Australia’s Healthy Weight Week

Looking for some motivation to continue with those New Year’s resolutions made in January? This week marks Australia’s Healthy Weight Week! The Dietitians Association of Australia launched Australia’s Healthy Weight Week to help address overweight and obesity in Australia, which affects 63 per cent of adults and one in four children. If you would like some tips and tricks download the Everyday Healthy Cookbook healthyweightweek.com.au